“SDO Asks: What's The Sun Doing Now?,”
BAAS, 39, 228 (Abstract 100.01), 2007.
“Solar Cycle 24 and the Solar Dynamo,”
W. D. Pesnell and K. Schatten,
BAAS, 39, 209 (Abstract 092.04), 2007.
“Family Science Night: Changing Perceptions One Family at a Time,”
W. D. Pesnell, E. Drobnes, S. Mitchell, and M. Colina-Trujillo,
BAAS, 39, 100 (Abstract 005.03), 2007.
“Sources, propagators, and sinks of Space Weather,”
EOS, Trans. AGU, 87, Fall 2006 Meeting Abstracts,
SA53A-1371, 2006.
“Revised correlation between Odin/OSIRIS PMC properties and coincident TIMED/SABER mesospheric temperatures,”
EOS, Trans. AGU, 87, Fall 2006 Meeting Abstracts,
SA21A-0243, 2006,
A. Feofilov, S. V. Petelina, A. A. Kutepov, W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, E. J. Llewellyn, J. M. Russell.
“The polar summer MLT plasma environment as seen by the DROPPS sounding rockets,”
EOS, Trans. AGU, 87, Fall 2006 Meeting Abstracts,
SA21A-0240, 2006,
M. P. Assis, R. A. Goldberg, P. A. Webb, W. D. Pesnell, H. D. Voss.
“Sources, propagators, and sinks of Space Weather,”
presented at the 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Beijing, China, 16–23 July 2006, COSPAR2006-A-02994, PSW1-0072-06.
“Particulate and plasma variations in NLC and PMSE during DROPPS 1 and 2 flights,”
presented at the 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Beijing, China, 16–23 July 2006, COSPAR2006-A-03336, C2.3-0031-06,
H. D. Voss, P. A. Webb, W. D. Pesnell, J. Gumbel, M. P. Assiss, R. A. Goldberg.
“Refinement of the DROPPS polar summer mesosphere particle data,”
presented at the 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Beijing, China, 16–23 July 2006, COSPAR2006-A-03413; C2.3-0032-06,
P. Webb, R. Goldberg, W. D. Pesnell, H. Voss, M. Assis.
“Non-LTE effects in the polar summer mesosphere and lower thermosphere and TIMED SABER temperature retrievals,”
presented at the 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Beijing, China, 16–23 July 2006, COSPAR2006-A-02516; A1.1-0082-06,
A.G. Feofilov, A.A. Kutepov, B.T. Marshall, L.L. Gordley, W. D. Pesnell, R.A. Goldberg, J.M. Russell, III.
“Sensitivity of IR temperature retrievals in the polar summer MLT to NLTE considerations,”
EOS, Trans. AGU, 87, Spring 2006 Meeting Abstracts,
SA53A-07, 2006,
doi: 10.1029/2006AGUF,
A. Kutepov, A. Feofilov, B. T. Marshall, L. L. Gordley, W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, J. M. Russell.
“Using the far-infrared to understand the thermosphere,”
EOS, Trans. AGU, 86, Fall 2005 Meeting Abstracts,
B1140, 2005,
doi: 10.1029/2005AGUFMSA51B1140P,
W. D. Pesnell and K. Arnett.
“The temperature climatology of the polar mesosphere in 2002-2004 using SABER/TIMED data,”
EOS, Trans. AGU, 86, Fall 2005 Meeting Abstracts,
A1086, 2005,
doi: 10.1029/2005AGUFMSA43A1086F,
A. Feofilov, A. Kutepov, R. A. Goldberg, W. D. Pesnell, J. M. Russell, and M. G. Mlynczak.
“The nature of icy dust particles in the polar summer mesosphere from rocket measurements during DROPPS,”
EOS, Trans. AGU, 86, Fall 2005 Meeting Abstracts,
A8, 2005,
doi: 10.1029/2005AGUFMSA22A08G,
R. A. Goldberg, P. A. Webb, W. D. Pesnell, and H. D. Voss.
“Venus metal ion and metal neutral species distributions and meteor magnitudes,”
EOS, Trans. AGU, 86, Fall 2005 Meeting Abstracts,
A237, 2005,
doi: 10.1029/2005AGUFMP33A0237W,
P. A. Webb, J. M. Grebowsky, and W. D. Pesnell.
“From the Sun to you at the speed of light: The SDO data system,”
EOS Trans. AGU,86, Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract SH42A-06, 2005.
“The physical properties of PMSE ice particles as determined during DROPPS by measurements with the Particle Impact Detector,”
EOS Trans. AGU,86, Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract SA43A-07, 2005,
Webb, P. A., R. A. Goldberg, W. D. Pesnell, and H. D. Voss.
“Non-LTE analysis of SABER 15 μm limb observations of the summer 2002 polar mesopause region,”
EOS Trans. AGU,86, Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract SA43A-13, 2005,
Kutepov, A A., A. G. Feofilov, W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, O. A. Gusev, and T. Marshall.
“Comparisons of PMSE ice particle simulations with observations from the DROPPS rocket campaign,”
EOS, Trans. AGU,85, Fall 2004 Meeting Abstracts,
A1, 2004,
doi: 10.1029/2004AGUFMSA24A01G,
R. A. Goldberg, P. A. Webb, and W. D. Pesnell.
“Meteoric ions in Venus' atmosphere,”
EOS, Trans. AGU, 85, Fall 2004 Meeting Abstracts,
A238, 2004,
doi: 10.1029/2004AGUFM.P23A0238P,
W. D. Pesnell, J. Grebowsky, P. A. Webb.
“Experimental evidence for dusty plasmas in the polar summer mesosphere using rocket, lidar, and radar measurements,”
35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly,
321, 2004,
R. A. Goldberg and W. D. Pesnell.
“Global measurements of atmospheric content of metallic ion and neutral species,”
35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly,
371, 2004,
A. C. Aikin, J. M. Grebowsky, W. D. Pesnell}, and J. P. Burrows.
“Cluster ions as a surce of layered phenomena ear the polar summer mesopause,”
EOS Trans. AGU,83, Abstract SA21A-03, 2002,
Gumbel, J., R. A. Goldberg, W. D. Pesnell, and M. Friedrich.
“Comparisons of SABER temperature profiles with rocket, groundbased, and satellite measurements,”
EOS Trans. AGU,83, Abstract SA62B-0405, 2002,
Remsberg, E. E., G. S. Lingenfelser, R. H. Picard, F. J. Schmidlin, R. A. Goldberg, W. D. Pesnell,
C. She, D. Fritts, J. M. Russell, M. G. Mlynczak, L. L. Gordley, C. J. Mertens, M. Lopez-Puertas, M. Garcia-Comas.
“Highly relativistic electrons from UARS and their effect on atmospheric ozone,”
EOS Trans. AGU,82, F97, 2001,
W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, C. H. Jackman, D. L. Chenette, M. Schulz, and E. E. Gaines.
“Meteoric material—One of the least explored components of planetary atmospheres,”
EOS Trans. AGU,82, F970, 2001,
J. I. Moses, J. M. Grebowsky, W. D. Pesnell, and A. L. Weisman.
“Ionospheric dynamics effects on the ionospheric magnesium-iron ion concentration ratios,
EOS Trans. AGU,82, S970, 2001,
J. M. Grebowsky, W. D. Pesnell, and A. C. Aikin.
“Persistent meteoric ions in the ionosphere of Venus,”
EOS Trans. AGU,81, F809, 2000,
W. D. Pesnell and J. M. Grebowsky.
“Evolution of relativistic electrons during a magnetic storm as seen in low-Earth orbit,”
EOS Trans. AGU,81, F1000–1001, 2000,
R. A. Goldberg, W. D. Pesnell, D. L. Chenette, and E. E. Gaines.
“Meteoric ions in the ionospheres of Mars and Venus,”
(Invited) paper C3.2-0003, 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 2000,
W. D. Pesnell and J. M. Grebowsky.
“Evolution of relativistic electrons during a magnetic storm as seen in low-Earth orbit,”
paper PSW1-0021, 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 2000,
W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, D. L. Chenette, M. Schulz, and E. E. Gaines.
“The influence of particle charge on heterogeneous reaction rate coefficients,”
EOS Trans. AGU,81, S145, 2000,
A. C. Aikin and W. D. Pesnell.
“Relativistic electrons observed at UARS and the interpretation of their storm-associated intensity variations,”
EOS Trans. AGU,80, F845, 1999,
W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, D. L. Chenette, M. Schulz, and E. E. Gaines.
“Source of global scale variations in the midday vertical content of ionospheric metal ions,”
EOS Trans. AGU,80, F786, 1999,
J. Joiner, J. M. Grebowsky, W. D. Pesnell, A. C. Aikin, and R. A. Goldberg.
“Energetic electrons and their effects on stratospheric and mesospheric ozone in May 1992 and beyond,”
Proceedings of the XXIII General Assembly of the IUGG, July 1999,
B170, W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, D. L. Chenette, E. E. Gaines, and C. H. Jackman.
“Post-storm evolution of highly relativistic electron pitch-angle distributions,”
Proceedings of the XXIII General Assembly of the IUGG, July 1999,
B169, M. Schulz, W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, D. L. Chenette, and E. E. Gaines.
“Storm associated HRE (highly relativistic electron) events observed in low Earth orbit,”
Proceedings of the XXIII General Assembly of the IUGG, July 1999,
B170, R. A. Goldberg, W. D. Pesnell, D. L. Chenette, and E. E. Gaines.
“Martian meteor ionization layers,”
EOS Trans. AGU,80, S239, 1999,
J. M. Grebowsky and W. D. Pesnell.
“Do measured trapped fluxes of highly relativistic electrons give
good estimates of the precipitating fluxes?,”
EOS Trans. AGU,80, S285-S286, 1999,
W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, D. L. Chenette, E. E. Gaines,
C. H. Jackman.
“Post-storm evolution of relativistic electron pitch-angle distributions,”
EOS Trans. AGU,80, S306, 1999,
M. Schulz, D. L. Chenette, E. E. Gaines, J. D. Hawley, R. A. Goldberg,
and W. D. Pesnell.
“Do precipitating electrons cause long-term changes in atmospheric ozone?,” EOS Trans AGU, 79, F671, 1998, W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, D. L. Chenette, E. E. Gaines, and C. H. Jackman.
“Highly relativistic electron events as observed by the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite,” EOS Trans AGU, 79, F671, 1998, R. A. Goldberg, W. D. Pesnell, D. L. Chenette, E. E. Gaines, and C. H. Jackman.
“Meteoric ions in the ionosphere of Jupiter,” EOS Trans AGU, 79, F671, 1998, Y. Kim, J. L. Fox, J. M. Grebowsky, and W. D. Pesnell.
“Highly-relativistic electron induced changes in mesospheric ozone during May 1992 as measured by HRDI on UARS,” EOS Trans AGU, 79, S239, 1998, W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, D. L. Chenette, E. E. Gaines, and C. H. Jackman.
“Prediction of Mars meteor ionization layer,” EOS Trans AGU, 79, S204, 1998, J. M. Grebowsky and W. D. Pesnell.
“Short-term variability in mesospheric ozone as measured from the UARS satellite,” EOS Trans. AGU, 78, F509, 1997, W. D. Pesnell, R. A. Goldberg, and C.H. Jackman.
“What meteor showers can be expected to have the most impact on the
EOS Trans. AGU, 78, S223,
J. M. Grebowsky, W. D. Pesnell, and R. A. Goldberg.
“On the Seasonal and Altitude Variations of the Zonal Wind Driving
Pressure Gradient Term in the Low-Latitude Thermosphere: AE-E NATE
EOS Trans. AGU, 78, S235,
F. A. Herrero and W. D. Pesnell.
“Detailed evolution of energy deposition in the mesosphere during the
relativistic electron event of May 1992,”
EOS Trans. AGU, 77, F600, 1996,
E. E. Gaines, R. A. Goldberg, D. L. Chenette, and W. D. Pesnell.
“Do Meteor Showers Significantly Perturb the Ionosphere?,”
EOS Trans. AGU, 77, F551, 1996,
J. M. Grebowsky, R. A. Goldberg, and W. D. Pesnell.
“Horizontal pressure gradients in the low-latitude thermosphere and
their impact in enhanced vertical neutral winds and ion drifts in the
EOS Trans. AGU, 77, S202, 1996,
F. A. Herrero and W. D. Pesnell.
“Solar extreme ultraviolet flux from 1974–1992,”
Proceedings of the XXI General Assembly of the IUGG, July 1995,
B170, W. D. Pesnell and W. R. Hoegy.
“Collision frequency of singly ionized and neutral atomic oxygen,”
Proceedings of the XXI General Assembly of the IUGG, July 1995,
B69, W. D. Pesnell and W. R. Hoegy.
“Solar extreme ultraviolet flux from 1974–1992,”
EOS Trans. AGU, 76, S233, 1995,
W. D. Pesnell and W. R. Hoegy.
“Uncertainties in theoretical ion-neutral atomic oxygen collision
EOS Trans. AGU, 75, 493, 1994,
W. D. Pesnell and W. R. Hoegy.
“On the use of daily 10.7 cm solar radio flux as a proxy for solar EUV
flux for ionospheric-thermospheric studies,”
STEP Symposium, Sendai, Japan, in press, 1994,
K. K. Mahajan, W. R. Hoegy, W. D. Pesnell, and N. K. Setha.
“12 Years of total solar EUV measurements at Venus and instrumental
improvements for use in earth orbit,”
EOS Trans. AGU, 75, 291, 1993,
W. R. Hoegy, L. H. Brace, and W. D. Pesnell.
“Accuracy of O+-O collision frequency deduced from
thermosphere-ionosphere observations,”
EOS Trans. AGU, 75, 254, 1993,
C. A. Reddy, W. R. Hoegy, W. D. Pesnell, H. G. Mayr, and C. O. Hines.
“Solar cycle variations in the extreme ultraviolet,”
in IAU Collquium No. 143: The Sun as a Variable Star, 349,
W. D. Pesnell and W. R. Hoegy.
“Solar cycle 21 and 22 observed by Pioneer Venus Orbiter,”
in IAU Collquium No. 143: The Sun as a Variable Star, 349,
W. R. Hoegy and W. D. Pesnell.
“A solar dynamo prediction: Cycle 23 ~ cycle 22,”
BAAS, 25, 1332, 1993,
K. H. Schatten and W. D. Pesnell.
“The high-speed correction to the O+-O collision frequency,”
EOS Trans. AGU, 74, 463–464, 1993,
W. D. Pesnell, K. Omidvar, W. R. Hoegy, and L. E. Wharton.
“Collision frequency of O+-O including resonance charge
exchange,” in Proceedings of ICPEAC XVIII, in press,
W. D. Pesnell, W. R. Hoegy, and K. Omidvar.
“A model of solar extreme ultra-violet variations,”
Eos Trans. AGU, 74, 246, 1993,
W. D. Pesnell and W. R. Hoegy.
“The collision frequency of O+-O,”
in Goddard Weekly Report, December 18, 1992.
“EUV Observations over more than 13 years from Pioneer Venus Orbiter,”
Eos Trans. AGU, 73, 436, 1992,
W. R. Hoegy and W. D. Pesnell.
“Solar cycle 22 observed by Pioneer Venus Orbiter,”
Eos Trans. AGU, 73, 237, 1992,
W. R. Hoegy and W. D. Pesnell.
“Effect of resonance O+-O charge-exchange on ionospheric ion transport,”
Eos Trans. AGU, 73, 228, 1992,
K. Omidvar, L. E. Wharton, W. R. Hoegy, and W. D. Pesnell.
“Study of Thermospheric Gravity Waves using the TFM in an
Interpretation of DE Data,”
Eos Trans. AGU, 72, 213, 1991,
W. D. Pesnell, H. G. Mayr, I. Harris, and N. W. Spencer.
“Vertical Winds in the Equatorial Thermosphere,”
Eos Trans. AGU, 71, 1489, 1990,
R. Raghavarao, H. G. Mayr, N. W. Spencer, L. E. Wharton, and
W. D. Pesnell.
“Gravity wave analysis using the transfer function model (TFM),”
Eos Trans. AGU, 71, 574, 1990,
H. G. Mayr, I. Harris, and W. D. Pesnell.
“Computer demonstration of a transfer function model of thermospheric
Eos Trans. AGU, 71, 570, 1990,
W. D. Pesnell, H. G. Mayr and I. Harris.
“Pulsations of Eötvös spheres,” in IAU Colloquium 111:
The Use of Pulsating Stars in Fundamental Problems of Astronomy, ed. E.
G. Schmidt (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press), 282, 1990.
“Pulsation induced HeI line profile variations,”
BAAS, 21, 714, 1989.
“A catalogue of line profile variations due to nonradial pulsations,”
BAAS, 20, 673, 1988,
P. W. Jones, W. D. Pesnell, and C. J. Hansen.
“Angular standing waves in stellar pulsations,”
BAAS, 19, 1051, 1987.
“Pulsations in completely degenerate objects,”
BAAS, 18, 951, 1986.
“Ionization driving mechanisms in pulsating stars,”
BAAS, 17, 894, 1985.
“The nonradial pulsation properties of hot, hydrogen-poor evolved
BAAS, 14, 901, 1982,
S. Starrfield, A. N. Cox, S. W. Hodson, and W. D. Pesnell.